Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Do you do New Year's Resolutions? I don't. It is not because I do not think that I can not improve myself. I am far from perfect. But the whole idea of resolutions baffle me.
The general idea of resolutions is that we are trying to make changes that we know we should make (i.e. stop drinking so much, exercise more). But if we know we should make them then why have we not changed. In other words why are we waiting until the beginning of the year to make resolutions? Why not change as soon as we know that we need to improve? It seems to me kind of silly to think that January 1 has special powers to make us change.
Come to think of it I have a hard time thinking of someone in my life who told me of a New Year resolution that really changed his/her life. People have made life-changing decisions. But New Year's Eve had nothing to do with them having the willpower to make those changes.
So my attitude is that if I see something in my life to make changes then I try to change. I do not always succeed. Maybe if I did always succeed then I be a lot closer to that measure of perfection. But it is better to act on your convictions as soon as you have them than to wait until an arbitrary date to make "resolutions."

