Saturday, May 29, 2010

Consistancy - Part 3

Okay so its a game. Political opponents do not have consistent values but rather they are playing a game with one another. Sort of a one-upsmanship between the two parties. If you are a Republican then the same acts that you consider corruption when it is a Democrat you find a way to justify it when a Republican is guilty. The same is true for Democrats when they catch Republicans and yet protect their own. As long as we know it is a game then we can deal with it right?

Well maybe. The problem is that both sides are concentrating so much on winning instead of supporting their values that they have to demonize each other to win. So now Republicans are all over Obama for his spending. But when they had the government they spend money like crazy. So much for the value of small government. It is about demonizing Democrats. And Democrats were all for going after Clarence Thomas for sexist comments. But when President Clinton is accused of worse actions than we even dreamed about for Thomas they put up the best defence since the Steel Curtain. So much for the value of eliminating sexual harassment. I guess we should only use it to demonize Republicans.

Ultimately this is bad for us as Americans. We learn to hate one half of the country instead of merely disagreeing with them. We can not have rational discussions about issues and we certainly can not compromise with the enemy. We get stuck in our camps and worry more about winning the game rather than doing what is right in our country.

No wonder I have so little faith in our political system. I have given up hoping that they do what is right. I just hope they do not mess things up and make our situation worse.



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