Thursday, February 9, 2012

Religious Freedom for Whom?

Remember the controversy about the ground zero mosque? Progressives were talking about keeping the government out of religion. Conservatives were talking about what they said is a larger principle taking a stand against Islamic-based insensitivity. At the time I took the position that I did not agree with the decision to build the Mosque but the Muslims had every right to do so. If we made it harder for them to express their religious perspective, even if it is insensitive to the relatives of 9/11 victims, then we infringe on religious freedom in ways that will be hard to reverse. I stand by that opinion.
Now we have the controversy with the Health and Human Services order to Catholic affiliated organizations to provide insurance coverage that includes contraceptives. Now it is the conservatives who are taking about keeping the government out of religion. Progressives are discussing about what they say is a larger principle of reproductive freedom and women’s rights. Funny how things can switch around like that. If I were cynical I would think that both sides are just using the whole freedom of religion argument to advance their particular political agenda and really do not care about freedom of religion.
Once again I do not agree with this position from the Catholic hierarchy. Both practically and theologically I think they are wrong to put such a focus on birth control issues. But I support their right to have this position. Once again I see the slippery slope of taking away religious freedom is too precious for us to risk it.
I trust that there are others who remain true to their desire for religious freedom in both circumstances. But is it not interesting how the principles of conservatives and progressives change according to who is having their freedom challenged? Whether they choose to support religious freedom seems to depend on whether we are talking about Muslims or Catholics. This means that freedom of religion has no real meaning for them. If you really believe in religious freedom then you defend it regardless of whether the group you are defending is your political ally or enemy. That is what it means to have a principle more important than our petty political concerns.



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