Monday, April 5, 2010

What is a Trouble Maker? Part 1

Okay so this is my first attempt at blogging and I will probably stink at it for a while. So bear with me. My name is George and I am a confessed trouble-maker. What do I mean by that. Let me use this blog to explain.
A trouble-maker is the person who thinks outside of the box. Because the trouble-maker does not think like other people, he or she eventually will put forth unpopular, even if well thought out ideas. If the ideas are well thought out then it is all the more trouble. Because it is easy to dismiss obviously dumb ideas. Overt racism or sexism is dumb. People who push those ideas are not trouble-makers. They are just loud idiots.
No a trouble-maker puts forth well thought out ideas but ideas that are not popular. So many times we stick to ideas because of our political ideology or because those are the popular ideas in our social networks. Trouble-makers dare to think outside of those socially constructed boxes to consider new concerns and find novel solutions.
Trouble-makers are not necessarily Republican or Democrat. They are not necessarily liberal or conservative. They can be white, black, Hispanic, Asian or any other race. They can be male or female. They do not agree with each other. The only thing that links trouble-makers is their willingness to think outside the box and vocalize those ideas.
In the next few months I will present some of the ideas that make me a trouble-maker. You may agree with some of the ideas and you may disagree with them. But if I am truly a trouble-maker then these ideas will be controversial and we can have great fun debating them. Who knows. Maybe in time some of these ideas will be accepted and I will be less of a trouble-maker and more of an innovator. But I will not hold my breath waiting for that.
For my next effort I will go into why I think I became a trouble-maker.

1 comment:

  1. You have enemies? Good! That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life...Winston Churchill
