Sunday, September 4, 2011

Money is not everything

Ever play the game - If I had a million dollars I would____. Unless you are already a millionaire of course you have played this game. Don't we all think about what if we had a big pot of money. We could insure financial security of our families or support a favorite religious or political cause or even just buy some new fancy toys. Yeah, It is kind of fun to fantasy about having a lot of money.
But do you know what Nevin Shapiro decided to do with his riches? He decided to spread his cash to University of Miami football players. His "support" of the team allowed him to pal around with the players and coaches. Imagine a 40ish year old man throwing money around on cars, prostitutes and even an abortion so that he can hang out with 18 and 19 year olds. The word pathetic comes to mind.
Nothing wrong with supporting one's alma mater. As a college professor I like to see more support for the school I work at. But to do it to impressive athletes is pretty sad. The Miami players are not smarter, or more moral, or more charismatic than other college students. Their physical prowess may warrant their receiving scholarships but not adoration of supposedly mature adults.
This merely indicates that merely because individuals have money does not mean that they are better individuals than others. In fact Shapiro made his money on a Ponzi scheme which reinforces my already low level of respect for him. Wealth does not make a person better. If that person is immature without money then chances are that he or she will be just as immature with money. In fact with money the person can be worse since he or she will have resources to indulge in their immaturity.
Why is this important. We are a society that holds those with wealth in high esteem. Ever watch the Millionaire Matchmaker. All of these beautiful women throwing themselves at men who are able to get their attention because of their wealth. The message is that the way for a man to attract the opposite sex is to be rich. Not to be nice. Not to be smart. Not to be mature. It is not the Nice Guy Matchmaker or Intelligent Guy Matchmaker or Mature Guy Matchmaker. It is the Millionaire Matchmaker. I guess Shapiro can be a featured guy on this show after he gets out of jail.
My point is not to attack the show. The show is merely reflecting the values of the larger society. My point is that those values do not serve us well. There is nothing wrong with making money. But we do not have to place those who are wealthy on pedestals. In fact we would do well to remember that many of them are losers like Shapiro. Then we may be able to move ahead in a world where all people have equal value, regardless of their bank account, and are judged on their own moral and intellectual merits instead of on their wealth.



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