Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Male/Female Thing part 3 - Nature or Nurture

I have spend the last couple of post showing how despite the desire to get away from traditional roles that we still live them out here in the United States. It is not as simple as men dominating women with their aggressiveness. I have used dancing and my study on height to show how women respond more positively to the male aggressiveness and to the image of men as masculine protectors. Let's face it. If women really did not like aggressive men we guys would get a clue and become less aggressive. We simply like women too much.

Now is this something that is innate or is this gender difference purely cultural. As a sociologist I know that at least some of it is cultural. We know that is the case because while gender roles are a cultural universal, how those roles manifest themselves vary by culture. But is what we call masculinity all cultural? I am beginning to have my doubts about that.

I suspect that there is some innate basis for the aggressiveness of men. It may have evolved in evolution. It may be given to us by God. But it seems that despite being told that we guys should be more sensitive that we still act like Neanderthals and many women seem to love it.

I have no big prescription as to what to do about it except that we should be more open to the possibility that male and females act differently because we are different in ways that are not just physical. Saying that is taboo since we like to believe that there are no real differences between men and women. Some want to believe that all of the different economic and social outcomes between men and women is due to sexism. Sexism exists and it is a problem. We need to deal with it as much as we can. But as they say it is also true that at times "boys will be boys" and that this is different from what the "girls" will do. We probably should factor that in to sex differences as well.



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