Thursday, December 23, 2010

Political Truce

Like all of our recent Presidents, President Obama has certainly become a lighting rod for the political divide in the United States. But what he did in the lame duck session is quite interesting and insightful. It reminds us that long-term cooperation often is much wiser than short-term gains from demonizing one's opponent.
President Obama signed off on an extension of the tax break for the wealthy after he made these tax breaks such a big deal in his campaign. Let us be clear about this. He got rolled in negotiating with the Republicans. But doing so got the tax deal out of the way. The Republicans were threatening to stop all legislation until the tax deal was done and had the support in the senate to do it.
But once that tax deal was done, the Democrats were able to get medical support for the 9/11 workers, repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, and the START treaty. Yes he did not get the Dream Act but he got a lot more than you would expect in such a short session. And he got it because he negotiated with the Republicans rather than just insult them.
This is not even about the merits of this legislation. There is enough that happened in this session to encourage and discourage people from all political persuasions. This is about working with the other side. I tire of the endless mud slinging that come from both sides of the political spectrum. I liked seeing what happened because people worked together than against each other.
Can this be the start of a new trend of cooperation and bipartisanship? Sadly probably not. This is a unique situation where Democrats had incentives to work with Republicans and get stuff done before the Republicans take power next month and Republicans had incentive to work with Democrats to make sure the tax cuts were extended. I fear that come January the normal course of events will take place and people will go back to their full-time job of blaming the other side. No the realist in me knows that this is a circumstance that is not likely to be replicated soon. But a self-proclaim moderate can dream, can't he?



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