Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day!!!

The past four days my university has been closed. This should be paradise for me. Time for me to get caught up with all my research. I should have my tests written up for my classes and I certainly should have a couple of posts in here during that time.
But a strange thing has happen. I am having problems getting motivated to do all of those things. Having the obligations of classes seems to create focus in my life. It forces me to organize my time and to become efficient. Certainly there are times, such as in the summer, when I do not have classes and I get things done. But I know those times are coming up and plan for them. It seems that when they are unplanned like now I become quite inefficient. Kind of like being a train with no railroad tracks to guide me.
I wonder if this is part of the human condition. That we are made to seek out purpose and withing some degree of order in our lives we tend to wonder about. I am sure in time I could adjust to this and find ways to strive towards my purpose. But this has been a strange week for me.
Not creating trouble with this time. Just trying to figure myself out a little. Maybe in the process figure out people in general.



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