Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Going Nuclear?

I have made my prayers for the poor souls in Japan. I hope that many of you have done likewise. The pictures of Japan are heart-wrenching. How can anyone not have sympathy for those who have suffered and continue to suffer from this natural disaster.
Now on to unnatural disasters. Trouble-maker can not help but notice the discussion that has risen from this tragedy concerning nuclear power. Already there are opponents of nuclear power who are passionately arguing that Japan is evidence that we have to avoid using it. And there are proponents of nuclear power who argue that Japan teaches us no such thing.
I have one question for both groups. How do you know this? They have not even gotten the fires under control yet and people are telling me that they know what went wrong. This does not pass the smell test. I have a novel idea. How about we get the tragedy under control, then do an investigation and see what went wrong. Wow. Having information before drawing a conclusion. Who would have thought of that?
To often political pundits use their own paradigm to develop conclusion that support those paradigms regardless of what the evidence says. We would be better off if we look at these pundits with a great deal of skepticism. Instead we tend to automatically dismiss those we disagree with and unconditionally accept the rantings of those we agree with. Until we learn to escape this mentality and think for ourselves we will always be vulnerable to making big decisions without having collected all of our evidence. Just a little advice from a little trouble-maker.



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