Thursday, May 5, 2011

We are all Americans now

The world is a better place now that Bin Laden is no longer in it. I am not a violent man. In fact at one point of my life I was a pacifist. But I shed no tear at the death of that terrorist. In fact I have a sense of justice in the way he died. Shot down in the middle of the night like a dog. The only regret I have is that an innocent woman was killed in the attack.
And I am glad that it was President Obama who gave the order. I have nothing against President Bush but there is something special about having Obama give the order to take out Bin Laden. So often Democrats are thought of not being very patriotic and not willing to fight for our country. President Obama showed that he is willing to take out an American enemy by force if necessary. It is a lesson that love of country is not confined to one political party over the other. In moments like this and right after September 11 we are all Americans and we can feel a unity of purpose that often escapes us.
That is one of the reasons why the celebrations did not bother me. Some were concerned about Americans celebrating the death of someone. I do not see it as much as a celebration of a killing as it is the affirmation of justice. A justice denied to us for ten years. I am not "happy" Bin Laden is dead. But it is what had to happen given what he was about. While I may not jump in the lake as some Ohio State students did in celebration, I see no reason to have a mournful attitude towards his death. His death or imprisonment was something that Americans have longed for and it has temporarily brought us together.
How long will the unity of this event last. Not long. I am not naive about that. We will be back to being polarized soon enough.



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